Thursday, July 8, 2010

Weekly Weigh-in

I weighed in last night, and lost another 1.2 lbs, for a total of 44.2 lbs lost.  I'm hoping for a bigger week next week, so I need to dig in a little and work harder. 
At this point in my diet, I need to shake things up a bit in the workout area.  My daily three mile walk/jog has gotten easy, so I found a nearby hill that is one mile straight up.  It's a killer to walk up, and equally as difficult to run down.  However, I feel fantastic after I've done it.
I think this week, I'm going to alternate the two routes, and see what my results are.   My eating will be a little better too - the fourth of July goodies are out of the house- so my goal is to be down at least three pounds next week.  I know I can do it.
I did have something exciting happen this week, though.  For the first time in TEN YEARS (yes, I'm shouting that), I was able to take off my wedding band and engagement ring.   I'm taking them this weekend to be cleaned at a local jewler.  That milestone felt fantastic!!
Have a skinny day!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Stacy! Thanks for stoppy by my blog. I homeschool my two littles as well. Ben is 7 and Carter will be 5 in Sept.
    I'm looking forward to poking around your blog and getting to know you better.
    Congrats on your weightloss this far. I know I just have to push myself and for the first time in my life put myself first. It's a long road ahead of me, but one I can't wait to travel! Cheers!
