Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy Fourth of July!

We had such a fun day yesterday, and today has been filled (so far) with relaxation as well.  Here is a picture story of our special day (sorry, but no photos of the fireworks at the end of the night - I forgot my camera at home!).
We started our morning at church, where we got all decked out in our July 4th gear:

On Saturday, the kids needed something to do - and lacking any creativity, I handed them red, white and blue paint and paintbrushes, and let them have fun on our sidewalk.  I thought I'd add it here because of the "July4thness" of it.

We spent the rest of the afternoon playing in the sunshine - with our sprinkler, slip and slide and water guns!
Last year, Bridgette designed and decorated her first cake on the fourth of July.  She hasn't done one since, but seeing as she has the memory of an elephant, she handed me this picture:

and asked that I make a cake for her to decorate.

Apparently this is going to be a new yearly tradition for her - decorating a cake for the fourth of July - I think she did a great job, and like all artists, took a little liberty with her design plan.
Later, we had a picnic at home, just the five of us.
Later on we went to see some fireworks. It was a perfect family day.  I am one blessed lady.
I hope your day was equally as grand!

Oh, and here is a closeup of Bee's 'do.  It's just little half piggies - where I left out a bump and added some fourth of July bows.
A little funky, but fun.

1 comment:

  1. As long as that sidewalk belongs to YOU, you're good. Heeheehee! I couldn't resist. :)
