Monday, April 12, 2010

Presentation Day

Do you homeschool?  Do you belong to a Co-op?  If so, presentation day is a MUST!!   At the end of each of our co-op terms, several classes present what they have learned in what we call "Presentation Day".  I love this, for so many reasons.  It gives grandmas and grandpas a school function to attend, it lets the kids get a chance to be on stage and shine, and it lets us (as the moms and dads who run the co-op) realize the value of bringing our kids each Friday to meet together.   Here is a small sampling from our presentation day this weekend from my kids' classes.   The first one is "Be a Helper", by the kindergarten and first graders that they learned in their music class.

Next up is the second and third graders singing "Fifty Nifty United States" that they learned in their "five in a row" class.

Finally, K/1 again, this time showing off what they learned in Chemistry Class.

Does your homeschooling co-op do a presentation day?  If so, what is it called?  What do you do?  At ours, after the children present, we have lunch and fellowship - it's a nice way to end the term.  I'd love to hear what you do!
Have a great day, and enjoy the videos!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like they had a lot of fun! That 50 Nifty sticks with you. I can still sing parts of it from learning it in elementary school. :) I totally used your idea of clicking on photos to go to fave websites, btw. :) It's my current copycat complement to you. Heehee!
