Monday, June 28, 2010

Funky Upside Down Piggies

I have to start off by saying that I never took a photo of the final "final" part of this 'do.  When I was done with the piggies, I  curled the ends - and it looked so cute!  Anyhow - you'll get the idea. This was a cute shorty 'do, but only lasted one day - by that night, it had fallen out.  First I made a piggie:
Then I put the topsy tail in upside down, and pulled the hair up and out.
I laid half of the pony off the left and half to the right, then added a bow in the center.
Once her hair was dry, I curled the ends - which was so adorable - but I forgot to take a photo of that part. Anyhow, a quick, easy 'do that looks sweet.  :)  Enjoy!

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